Biodynamic Farming and How it Benefits Wine

I remember hearing the term biodynamic and was curious to what exactly that meant. I have heard of organic and this day in age more healthy conscious people are turning to organic foods and drinks, but biodynamic seemed to take it to the next level. As I researched this concept I remember reading how a wine maker poured two glasses of the same wine, same grapes but just one was grown in biodynamic soil and the other regular soil. The conclusion to that story was that 12 out of 13 people chose the biodynamic wine and commented that the taste was more vibrant and floral, clean and crisp as compared to the regular wine. At that point the wine makers turn the whole vineyard over to the biodynamic method.

The concept of biodynamic is that the soil and the crop are both vital. The calculations of harvesting and replanting are based on cosmic events. The biodynamic farms also make their own compost and the rotation of different crops help the soil. Some crops strip the soil of important minerals. Crops such as potatoes and corn exhaust the soil while other crops such as clovers, peas and beans restore. In bio dynamics the concept of rotating deep rooting with short rooting crops help maintain a great soil. Many vineyards are changing into biodynamic. Many benefits are in the taste but also the longevity of the wine.

Bio dynamics was discovered by a man named Dr. Rudolf Steiner after a group of farmers sought his advice. Through research and lectures, he came up with the principles of biodynamic. He later brought these concepts to America around 1930 and became more and more popular in present times. Biodynamic wines are also considered to be 100 percent organic and there are many to choose from today. Look for my part two on the differences and more information on this topic. Please feel free to respond or add your comments and your feedback. As always drink well and enjoy.