Koval Cranberry Gin 750ml

Presenting a captivating fusion of fruit-forward and bittersweet elements, KOVAL Cranberry Gin Liqueur is enveloped by the well-defined, harmonious nuances derived from KOVAL Gin's distinctive blend of 13 botanicals. Paying tribute to the tradition of aperitif indulgence, this liqueur forms an exceptional foundation for effortless and alluring cocktails that suit any time of the year. With just a splash of Prosecco or any sparkling water, you're poised to craft a unique spritz that embodies the essence of this splendid concoction!
Presenting a captivating fusion of fruit-forward and bittersweet elements, KOVAL Cranberry Gin Liqueur is enveloped by the well-defined, harmonious nuances derived from KOVAL Gin's distinctive blend of 13 botanicals. Paying tribute to the tradition of aperitif indulgence, this liqueur forms an exceptional foundation for effortless and alluring cocktails that suit any time of the year. With just a splash of Prosecco or any sparkling water, you're poised to craft a unique spritz that embodies the essence of this splendid concoction!

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Koval Gin
Country United States
Region Illinois
Sub Region Chicago
Alcohol Percentage 30.0
Kosher true
Organic true

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