Barr Hill Gin 750ml

Discover the perfect harmony of nature and craftsmanship with Barr Hill Gin, a unique spirit that blends the purity of raw honey with a classic juniper-forward profile. This small-batch gin is meticulously crafted in Vermont, using only the finest botanicals and raw honey sourced from local bees, giving it a signature smoothness and subtle sweetness.

On the nose, Barr Hill Gin exudes fresh floral aromas with hints of citrus and spice. The palate is beautifully balanced, offering juniper’s traditional boldness intertwined with a touch of honey, creating a rounded, creamy texture and a soft, lingering finish.

Whether enjoyed in a simple gin and tonic, a refreshing martini, or sipped neat, Barr Hill Gin is a versatile spirit that elevates any occasion. Celebrate the art of distillation and the beauty of nature in every bottle.

Discover the perfect harmony of nature and craftsmanship with Barr Hill Gin, a unique spirit that blends the purity of raw honey with a classic juniper-forward profile. This small-batch gin is meticulously crafted in Vermont, using only the finest botanicals and raw honey sourced from local bees, giving it a signature smoothness and subtle sweetness.

On the nose, Barr Hill Gin exudes fresh floral aromas with hints of citrus and spice. The palate is beautifully balanced, offering juniper’s traditional boldness intertwined with a touch of honey, creating a rounded, creamy texture and a soft, lingering finish.

Whether enjoyed in a simple gin and tonic, a refreshing martini, or sipped neat, Barr Hill Gin is a versatile spirit that elevates any occasion. Celebrate the art of distillation and the beauty of nature in every bottle.

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Caledonia Spirits Gin
Country United States
Region Vermont
Alcohol Percentage 45.0