nav-icon-674386747674-shopify-store Zacharias Moschofilero 750ml - Liquor Store New York

Zacharias Moschofilero 750ml

This wine displays a yellowish green color and is noted for its freshness and ample acidity as its main characteristics. Fruity with aromas roses, citrus fruits and Lemons. Light, dry, crisp and refreshing. 100% Moschofilero grape.
This wine displays a yellowish green color and is noted for its freshness and ample acidity as its main characteristics. Fruity with aromas roses, citrus fruits and Lemons. Light, dry, crisp and refreshing. 100% Moschofilero grape.

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Zacharias Wine
Dominant Varietal Moschofilero
Vintage 2021
Country Greece
Region Peloponnese
Alcohol Percentage 13.0

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