Maison Saint Pierre Rose 750ml

A pale rose petal color, clear and brilliant with crystalline tints. A delicious bouquet with fruity notes of red berries, redcurrant, strawberry and white peach. Very pleasant freshness, very easy to drink, tangy with notes of pink grapefruit and other citrus fruits. Ideal as an aperitif, served with seafood, shellfish, Mediterranean salads, grilled fish and more.
A pale rose petal color, clear and brilliant with crystalline tints. A delicious bouquet with fruity notes of red berries, redcurrant, strawberry and white peach. Very pleasant freshness, very easy to drink, tangy with notes of pink grapefruit and other citrus fruits. Ideal as an aperitif, served with seafood, shellfish, Mediterranean salads, grilled fish and more.

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Maison Saint Pierre Wine

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