Rhum Barbancourt Reserve Speciale Rum 5 Star 750ml
$32.99 USD
"Pale gold, a bit more golden than the three star with green shades. A rich and harmonious nose of vanilla and pepper. The palate is powerful, smooth, and well- balanced. The finish is powerful and complex, with some notes of roasted, cooked fruits (prunes), and citrus fruits compote (orange marmalade). Aged 8 years, the five star rum, or Reserve , is well balanced. It is excellent neat. Splash it on the rocks with a zest of lemon to bring out all its subtleties."
"Pale gold, a bit more golden than the three star with green shades. A rich and harmonious nose of vanilla and pepper. The palate is powerful, smooth, and well- balanced. The finish is powerful and complex, with some notes of roasted, cooked fruits (prunes), and citrus fruits compote (orange marmalade). Aged 8 years, the five star rum, or Reserve , is well balanced. It is excellent neat. Splash it on the rocks with a zest of lemon to bring out all its subtleties."