Lobos 1707 Tequila Reposado 750ml

100% Pure blue weber agave, the reposado reaches its perfectly robust flavor through rest. After resting for over 6 months in American white oak, the liquid is the mixed with a touch of Lobos 1707 Extra Anejo and finished at its leisure in PX wine barrels with a solera process. Mexico.
100% Pure blue weber agave, the reposado reaches its perfectly robust flavor through rest. After resting for over 6 months in American white oak, the liquid is the mixed with a touch of Lobos 1707 Extra Anejo and finished at its leisure in PX wine barrels with a solera process. Mexico.

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Lobos 1707 Tequila
Country Mexico
Alcohol Percentage 40.0

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