Lagavulin 8 Year Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

The nose is immediately soft with clean, fresh notes partnering faint hints of milk chocolate and lemon, then develops fragrant tea-scented smoke alongside nose-drying, maritime aromas, with subtle cereal. The palate is light in texture, with a magnificently full-on Lagavulin taste that's even bigger than you may expect; sweet, smoky and warming, with a growing pungency, then dry, with more smoke. The finish is lovely: clean, very clean and smoky. This is a polished and exquisitely crafted celebration of Lagavulin with smoky-clean aromas and a might taste. Made to mark our bicentenary, it's a whisky to celebrate, in every sense.
The nose is immediately soft with clean, fresh notes partnering faint hints of milk chocolate and lemon, then develops fragrant tea-scented smoke alongside nose-drying, maritime aromas, with subtle cereal. The palate is light in texture, with a magnificently full-on Lagavulin taste that's even bigger than you may expect; sweet, smoky and warming, with a growing pungency, then dry, with more smoke. The finish is lovely: clean, very clean and smoky. This is a polished and exquisitely crafted celebration of Lagavulin with smoky-clean aromas and a might taste. Made to mark our bicentenary, it's a whisky to celebrate, in every sense.

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Age 8
Producer Lagavulin Whiskey
Country United Kingdom
Region Scotland
Sub Region Islay
Alcohol Percentage 48.0

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