1792 Sweet Wheat Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

Crafted with sweet and delicate wheat instead of the more traditional rye, this bourbon is quite distinctive from most. The soft wheat delivers a subtle and smooth taste with gentle layers of flavor. Each sip expresses a harmony of sweetness and dryness. TASTING NOTES: A well-balanced bourbon with delicate body. Notes of vanilla and caramel are complemented by a touch of white oak tannins. This is further mingled with dried fruit to deliver a richly smooth flavor.
Crafted with sweet and delicate wheat instead of the more traditional rye, this bourbon is quite distinctive from most. The soft wheat delivers a subtle and smooth taste with gentle layers of flavor. Each sip expresses a harmony of sweetness and dryness. TASTING NOTES: A well-balanced bourbon with delicate body. Notes of vanilla and caramel are complemented by a touch of white oak tannins. This is further mingled with dried fruit to deliver a richly smooth flavor.


Whisky Advocate

"Barton 1792 distillery’s first-ever wheated bourbon, where the wheat replaces rye as the ‘spice’ ingredient (similar to Weller and Maker’s Mark). A sweet and fruity whiskey, with vanilla wafer, cotton candy, caramel custard, blackberry, and ripe peach. Soft oak spice and polished leather on the finish keep the sweetness in check. Very gentle in personality; a great starter bourbon."

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer 1792 Whiskey
Country United States
Region Kentucky
Sub Region Bardstown
Alcohol Percentage 45.6