Avion Silver 750ml

"Tequila Avion Silver is handcrafted using only the finest Blue Weber Agave found in the very highest regions of Jalisco. The Agave grown at this altitude are among the most coveted plants for tequila production due to the region's topography and its soil's rich mineral content which lends a distinct quality and character to the spirit. The secret behind the exceptionally smooth taste profile of Tequila Avion begins with slow roasting the agave in traditional brick ovens followed by our unique small batch distillation process and culminates with a proprietary filtering method coined 'ultra slow filtration' during which the robust flavors become firmly set to the Tequila Avion Master Distiller's specifications at an exact moment in time. We call this the ""moment of elevation""."
"Tequila Avion Silver is handcrafted using only the finest Blue Weber Agave found in the very highest regions of Jalisco. The Agave grown at this altitude are among the most coveted plants for tequila production due to the region's topography and its soil's rich mineral content which lends a distinct quality and character to the spirit. The secret behind the exceptionally smooth taste profile of Tequila Avion begins with slow roasting the agave in traditional brick ovens followed by our unique small batch distillation process and culminates with a proprietary filtering method coined 'ultra slow filtration' during which the robust flavors become firmly set to the Tequila Avion Master Distiller's specifications at an exact moment in time. We call this the ""moment of elevation""."

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