Barr Hill Tom Cat Gin 750ml

Embark on a bold flavor journey with Barr Hill Tom Cat Gin, a groundbreaking spirit that bridges the worlds of gin and whiskey. After distillation, this gin is aged in new American oak barrels, infusing it with a robust character that enhances its juniper-forward foundation. The result is a complex yet approachable profile, enriched by the natural sweetness of raw honey.

On the palate, enticing oak flavors blend seamlessly with the coniferous essence of juniper and the delicate floral notes of wildflower honey. The aroma is as captivating as its taste, appealing to fans of whiskey, rum, or bourbon. Its versatility shines in cocktails, making it ideal for a Negroni, an Old Fashioned, or simply savored neat.

With a Kosher certification and an ABV of 43%, Barr Hill Tom Cat Gin is a revolutionary spirit that redefines gin for both whiskey and gin enthusiasts alike. Experience the perfect harmony of innovation and tradition in every sip.

Embark on a bold flavor journey with Barr Hill Tom Cat Gin, a groundbreaking spirit that bridges the worlds of gin and whiskey. After distillation, this gin is aged in new American oak barrels, infusing it with a robust character that enhances its juniper-forward foundation. The result is a complex yet approachable profile, enriched by the natural sweetness of raw honey.

On the palate, enticing oak flavors blend seamlessly with the coniferous essence of juniper and the delicate floral notes of wildflower honey. The aroma is as captivating as its taste, appealing to fans of whiskey, rum, or bourbon. Its versatility shines in cocktails, making it ideal for a Negroni, an Old Fashioned, or simply savored neat.

With a Kosher certification and an ABV of 43%, Barr Hill Tom Cat Gin is a revolutionary spirit that redefines gin for both whiskey and gin enthusiasts alike. Experience the perfect harmony of innovation and tradition in every sip.

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Caledonia Spirits Gin
Country United States
Region Vermont
Alcohol Percentage 43.0
Kosher true