Bonanza Cabernet Sauvignon Lot 3 750ml

A deep red tinged with magenta, this wine has a serious nose with scents of mixed berries, toasted oak, aged leather and the whiff of smokiness from an outdoor grill. The entry entices with rich fruit, as blueberries mingle with traces of strawberries cooked down to their essence. Then the palate yields to textural softness, filling the mouth with luxurious dark chocolate and notes of vanilla and brown spice. A hint of sweet oak infuses the finish, which trails off with the taste of ripe berries and the granular texture of wood.
A deep red tinged with magenta, this wine has a serious nose with scents of mixed berries, toasted oak, aged leather and the whiff of smokiness from an outdoor grill. The entry entices with rich fruit, as blueberries mingle with traces of strawberries cooked down to their essence. Then the palate yields to textural softness, filling the mouth with luxurious dark chocolate and notes of vanilla and brown spice. A hint of sweet oak infuses the finish, which trails off with the taste of ripe berries and the granular texture of wood.

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Bonanza Wine
Dominant Varietal Cabernet Sauvignon