Grand Mayan Reposado Tequila 750ml

Grand Mayan Reposado Tequila is a masterful blend of craftsmanship and tradition, aged for 6 months in ex-American whiskey barrels and finished in ex-Cognac barrels for an additional 2 months, creating a total of 8 months of barrel aging. This distinctive aging process delivers a smooth, full-bodied tequila with a rich, layered profile.

On the nose, expect sweet cooked agave followed by subtle notes of oak, while the palate is enveloped with dark chocolate and a smooth, balanced finish that lingers pleasantly. Grand Mayan Reposado is perfect for sipping and offers a memorable experience from the first taste to the last.

The bottle itself is a work of art, featuring a unique design adorned with hand-applied 24K gold applique, adding an extra touch of elegance and sophistication.

Enjoy Grand Mayan Reposado neat, on the rocks, or as a standout addition to your favorite tequila cocktails.

Grand Mayan Reposado Tequila is a masterful blend of craftsmanship and tradition, aged for 6 months in ex-American whiskey barrels and finished in ex-Cognac barrels for an additional 2 months, creating a total of 8 months of barrel aging. This distinctive aging process delivers a smooth, full-bodied tequila with a rich, layered profile.

On the nose, expect sweet cooked agave followed by subtle notes of oak, while the palate is enveloped with dark chocolate and a smooth, balanced finish that lingers pleasantly. Grand Mayan Reposado is perfect for sipping and offers a memorable experience from the first taste to the last.

The bottle itself is a work of art, featuring a unique design adorned with hand-applied 24K gold applique, adding an extra touch of elegance and sophistication.

Enjoy Grand Mayan Reposado neat, on the rocks, or as a standout addition to your favorite tequila cocktails.

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Grand Mayan Tequila
Country Mexico
Alcohol Percentage 40.0