Oyster Bay Rose 750ml

The perfect shade of Oyster Bay Rosé is produced from the delicate touch of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes, carefully selected and blended to express fruit vibrancy and delicate red berry profiles. Marlborough is recognized as one of the world’s top winegrowing regions, and rightfully so. It’s combination of bright sunshine and cool climate create expressive fruit-driven wines unlike anywhere else. Pale rose in colour but vivid in its flavours, Oyster Bay Rosé delivers a fresh and fragrant style of wine.
The perfect shade of Oyster Bay Rosé is produced from the delicate touch of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes, carefully selected and blended to express fruit vibrancy and delicate red berry profiles. Marlborough is recognized as one of the world’s top winegrowing regions, and rightfully so. It’s combination of bright sunshine and cool climate create expressive fruit-driven wines unlike anywhere else. Pale rose in colour but vivid in its flavours, Oyster Bay Rosé delivers a fresh and fragrant style of wine.

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Oyster Bay Wine