Santa Teresa 1796 Solera Rum 750ml

"A rum, round in bouquet, rich in aroma, developed with the skills and tradition of 200 years of heritage. A perfect balance of noble rums, this anejo is aged in the French Limoisin Oak casks of the Solera. The ""crianza"" or mother rum kept in this special cellar gives this product its essense. In this unique maturing method the rum Master carefully selects portions of the ""crianza"" that will continue in de ageing process for over 15 years. Thanks to the hand crafted techniques employed, this rum stands out from the rest."
"A rum, round in bouquet, rich in aroma, developed with the skills and tradition of 200 years of heritage. A perfect balance of noble rums, this anejo is aged in the French Limoisin Oak casks of the Solera. The ""crianza"" or mother rum kept in this special cellar gives this product its essense. In this unique maturing method the rum Master carefully selects portions of the ""crianza"" that will continue in de ageing process for over 15 years. Thanks to the hand crafted techniques employed, this rum stands out from the rest."

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Santa Teresa Rum
Country Venezuela