Frey Natural Red 750ml

"Made in a dry, light style with nice berry flavors. This light bodied red wine is made from a blend of Carignane, Zinfandel and Chenin Blanc grapes. The grapes are CCOF certified organically grown. This accessible wine is CCOF processor certified organic and was aged on French oak. Great with moonlight and roses! "
"Made in a dry, light style with nice berry flavors. This light bodied red wine is made from a blend of Carignane, Zinfandel and Chenin Blanc grapes. The grapes are CCOF certified organically grown. This accessible wine is CCOF processor certified organic and was aged on French oak. Great with moonlight and roses! "

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Frey Vineyards Wine
Country United States
Region California

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