Rough Rider Bull Moose Rye Whisky 750ml

Elevate your whisky experience with our award-winning Rye Whisky, bestowed with the prestigious Chairman's Award, earning an outstanding 96 Points in the 2018 Ultimate Spirits Competition, along with the esteemed Great Value Award.

Crafted Complexity and Richness: Aged with meticulous care, our small-batch Rye Whisky undergoes a unique journey through three distinct casks, unveiling layers of complexity and richness. The initial phase in new American oak barrels imparts bold notes of spicy and sweet cinnamon, setting the stage for an exceptional flavor profile.

Harmonious Maturation: Under vigilant guidance, the whisky transitions to bourbon casks, where the distinct characteristics of rye and bourbon gracefully intertwine, creating a symphony of flavors. The final maturation unfolds in barrels that once cradled our renowned Pine Barrens Single Malt Whisky, adding an extra layer of depth and character to this exceptional spirit.

Tasting Notes: Savor the excellence in every drop, as described by F. Paul Pacult:

  • Nose: Immerse yourself in spicy, earthy oiled leather and pipe tobacco, accompanied by nuances of dates and apple tart tatin.
  • Palate: A grain-forward and toasted experience unfolds, revealing stone fruits and honey, leading to touches of white pepper, brown sugar, and rolled oats on the finish.

Expert Accolades: "Crisp fruity sweetness on the nose, followed by spice, caramel, vanilla, and blackberry on the palate; lauded by a royal symphony of long, warm rye-ness, with a toasty, velvety finish."

Indulge in the epitome of whisky craftsmanship, where each sip tells a story of dedication and mastery. Embrace the complexity, richness, and unparalleled quality that define our Chairman's Award-winning Rye Whisky. Elevate your spirits experience and revel in the distinguished taste that captures the essence of excellence. Cheers to a journey of exceptional flavor and unparalleled satisfaction!

Elevate your whisky experience with our award-winning Rye Whisky, bestowed with the prestigious Chairman's Award, earning an outstanding 96 Points in the 2018 Ultimate Spirits Competition, along with the esteemed Great Value Award.

Crafted Complexity and Richness: Aged with meticulous care, our small-batch Rye Whisky undergoes a unique journey through three distinct casks, unveiling layers of complexity and richness. The initial phase in new American oak barrels imparts bold notes of spicy and sweet cinnamon, setting the stage for an exceptional flavor profile.

Harmonious Maturation: Under vigilant guidance, the whisky transitions to bourbon casks, where the distinct characteristics of rye and bourbon gracefully intertwine, creating a symphony of flavors. The final maturation unfolds in barrels that once cradled our renowned Pine Barrens Single Malt Whisky, adding an extra layer of depth and character to this exceptional spirit.

Tasting Notes: Savor the excellence in every drop, as described by F. Paul Pacult:

  • Nose: Immerse yourself in spicy, earthy oiled leather and pipe tobacco, accompanied by nuances of dates and apple tart tatin.
  • Palate: A grain-forward and toasted experience unfolds, revealing stone fruits and honey, leading to touches of white pepper, brown sugar, and rolled oats on the finish.

Expert Accolades: "Crisp fruity sweetness on the nose, followed by spice, caramel, vanilla, and blackberry on the palate; lauded by a royal symphony of long, warm rye-ness, with a toasty, velvety finish."

Indulge in the epitome of whisky craftsmanship, where each sip tells a story of dedication and mastery. Embrace the complexity, richness, and unparalleled quality that define our Chairman's Award-winning Rye Whisky. Elevate your spirits experience and revel in the distinguished taste that captures the essence of excellence. Cheers to a journey of exceptional flavor and unparalleled satisfaction!

Product Detail

Size 750 mL
Producer Long Island Spirits
Country United States
Region New York
Sub Region Long Island
Alcohol Percentage 45.0

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