Crafted in Santa Barbara, King St. Vodka is produced under the watchful eye of Master Distiller, Ian Cutler. A proprietary process using GMO-free corn and alkaline water yields a gluten free, ultra-premium spirit with a hint of sweet vanilla flavor. Distilled seven times and then filtered, King St. is made from the best ingredients to deliver a clean, smooth taste with each sip.
Crafted in Santa Barbara, King St. Vodka is produced under the watchful eye of Master Distiller, Ian Cutler. A proprietary process using GMO-free corn and alkaline water yields a gluten free, ultra-premium spirit with a hint of sweet vanilla flavor. Distilled seven times and then filtered, King St. is made from the best ingredients to deliver a clean, smooth taste with each sip.
Product Detail
750 mL
King St. Vodka
Alcohol Percentage
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